Optical design consultancy based in Japan
Akira Yabe - optical designer
Akira Yabe worked as an optical designer for Fuji in Japan for 25 years. During that time, he designed many optical systems and took them through to successful production in an intensively competitive market.
In order to achieve his outstanding results, he took the time to research into various theoretical areas, including optimisation [global & MTF], glass choice, desensitisation & tolerancing.
Therefore he can offer you a unique blend of profound theoretical understanding combined with a rich experience of practical design and production.
Customer benefits
Akira has poured this understanding and experience into his own software, which combined with a range of leading commercial programs, means that his creative design solutions offer:
- Highest performance
- Lowest cost
- Lowest sensitivity with optimal tolerances
- Control of tight mechanical conditions
His experience covers a wide range of applications from digital cameras to lithographic systems, and all intermediate levels of complexity.
Having worked in a commercial environment, Akira understands the importance of time and is committed to providing a rapid response to your queries.
He has excellent relations with a number of top rank production houses, such as LINOS Photonics, and so is happy to see your design right through from the back-of-envelope to final production.
Lens categories
- fixed focus & zoom
- high NA & wide field
- centered & decentered
- aspherics & freeform surfaces
- DOEs
- UV & IR
Design tasks
- photographic lenses
- projection lenses
- sensor lenses
- printer lenses
- lithography lenses
- and others